Tom Pearson cared for his wife Lynne from the time of her diagnosis of early on-set Alzheimer’s at age 50 until her passing at age 63. He wrote Please Don’t Forget Me to honor his brave wife and to help others facing similar challenges. This memoir is a deeply compelling love story that illustrates the tremendous power and beauty of love, loyalty, and commitment. It also describes the tragic realities that caregivers face while caring for loved ones through the various stages of Alzheimer’s disease until death, and on the difficult choices and challenges that caregivers must face along the way. The narrative is not just about the trials of caregiving. It is an account about love, about the woman who transformed Tom, and about spirituality and relationships. It is a true story, based upon real occurrences, as seen through Tom’s eyes. Proceeeds from the sale of the book will go to Alzheimer’s research.



Please Don’t Forget Me is inspiring, heartbreaking, beautiful, and real – a love story that deals with many of the difficult and complicated issues that caregivers face, while providing a level of insight that may be helpful or adult children trying to understand what their parent is experiencing as a caregiver for a spouse. It is a narrative that many would relate to and find comfort in. – Wendy Schettler, CEO Alzheimer Society of Manitoba